We get it. Your team lives in Slack. It is a place where you want to promote stories created in GoodSeeker. It is also a source of story leads and a place where employees should be able to start a story.  

Pushing GoodSeeker stories into a Slack channel

After you sign up contact support@goodseeker.com or send us a chat from https://help.goodseeker.com/. Let us know you'd like to publish stories into Slack and we will enable the feature. From there an admin can visit the Settings / Integrations page to connect GoodSeeker to a Slack channel. When stories are approved to be shared internally stories will post to this channel.

Starting a story from a Slack channel

An easy way is to use a Slack Bookmark in the header of your Slack story channel (or any other channel where there might be chatter worthy of turning into a story). When users click the link it opens a corresponding GoodSeeker page in a new browser tab.  Users may need to log in once if they have not done so already.  Two Bookmarks to start are:

  • Publish a Story: yoursubdomain.goodseeker.com/story/create
  • View All Stories:yoursubdomain.goodseeker.com/company

Coming Soon

We are working on a Slack Slash Command trigger as well as a chrome extension.