User Report

Report focused on user engagement with the platform. 5 minute delay in reporting.

Author - How many stories the user has written.

Contributor - How many stories the user has been named in.

Total Views - How many story pages the user has viewed in total. 

Unique Views - How many individual stories has the user viewed.

Likes Given - How many stories the user has liked. 

Comments Given - How many comments the user has made.

Total Named - How many people the user has named in stories in total. 

Unique Named - How many individual people the user has named in stories. 

Coming Soon:

Tag Likes Given - How many story tags the user has liked.

Shares Made - How many views of stories the user has generated by sharing story links

Story Report

Report focused on user engagement with the platform. Realtime reporting. 

Published - Date story was published

Author - Author of the story

Named - Number of people named in the story.

Likes - Number of likes the story has received

Tag Likes - Number of likes story tags have received

Comments - Number of comments from users on the story

Views - Total number of views of the story from registered users.

Unique Views - Number of individual users who have viewed the story.  

Public Views - Total views of a public story from non-logged-in users. Public and Share URLs.

Total Views - Total running count of all views of a story page (by users or public).

Coming Soon:

Video Views - Total views of video posted on a story page.

Unique Video Views - Unique views of video on a story page. 

Average Watch - Average duration watched as a percentage.

Video Metrics Tracked every 10 minutes

Other Reporting Options

Add your 3rd party scripts to GoodSeeker pages, i.e. Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Chat Tools.