Frequent Questions

Frequent Questions

What happens when you publish a story?

Players can contribute, and your story gets shared. Everyone named gets notified and has the opportunity to add something. All stories get posted on the profiles of the people you name. The story shows up ...

Who can I name or recognize in a story?

You can include anyone!  The people who make an impact on you and your organization include coworkers, partners, contractors, freelancers, customers, clients, etc. Include them all. The more the merrier. Naming a 3rd party in a stor...

What happens when I add someone to a story?

What happens when I add someone to a story? When you name someone in a story they get notified by email right away.  They do not have to be a registered user to see the story. They can add their take on th...

Can stories be shared anonymously?

No.  People who bring out the best deserve to be seen. All stories and comments from people inside your organization are attributable. We also want GoodSeeker authors to inspire others to do the same.

Are stories moderated before sharing?

Are stories moderated before sharing? No.  When a story is published it can be seen by anyone connected to your organization with a valid email. And Yes.  A story that has been tagged for public sharing by the author must first be a...

Can someone say something bad?

Can someone say something bad? Nothing in GoodSeeker is shared anonymously. We also have some pretty strict rules of engagement for users. Say something nasty, abusive, divisive, mean or inappropriate and GoodSeeker has the right to remove ...

Working with Slack

Promoting stories in slack and publishing stories from slack

Who can submit stories?

Learn how users and guests can publish stories.